Sponsors a Native Missionary to Reach the Unreached!

Win Pa Pa - 0 of 4 Shares Sponsored

Win Pa Pa

Biggest Need

Place Myanmar

Age 15

Place of Service Myanmar

Salvation Testimony As a kid, I grew up seeing my father drink every day until I was 16. By faith, I prayed God would change my father's life. I continue to pray for me and then I began to think about my life. I knew from church t hat Jesus died for the skins of everyone, but I did not believe it. One day I came to the realization of this truth, and I trusted in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.

Call to Ministry May the name of the Lord who brings me to Bible School be glorified. God is so good in my life. In my village, I worked 7 days a week but I was struggling just to survive. So, I prayed to God about what to do. A Glory Project missionary and their team came to mu church. One lady told me that they are running a Bible school with 8 students, the same age as you are. When I heard the news, the Holy Spirit spoked to my heart. I went to pastor Peter and said “I want to attend Bible school, can I come?” He replied, "yes you can. But our program has not started yet. You can join now as an intern." So I did and now I am attending the program to become a missionary for the Lord.

Ministry Vision After I complete my course here in Bible School I will serve with my home church and then be sent out as a missionary. I only desire to do God's will and trust Him to guide me in all things.