Sponsors a Native Missionary to Reach the Unreached!

Shwe Zan - 0 of 4 Shares Sponsored

Shwe Zan

Biggest Need

Place Myanmar

Place of Service Myanmar

Married Yes

Spouse's Name Hla Hla Khain

Children Yes

Names Ma Hnin Hnin

Salvation Testimony I was born from a very strong Buddhist family in Arakan. I grew up with very devote Buddhist parents and siblings. I was taught and trained that to be Arakan was to be Buddhist. When I studied in Yangon with the psychology major, I did not feel peace in my heart when I thought about death. Though I went to the monastery and asked the monks, they had no solution. So I thought money was the most important thing in life, so I worked hard trading goods along the Myanmar and China border.

Call to Ministry One day I got a gospel tract from my friend and for the first time I felt peace in my heart when I read about Jesus! Then I started reading the Bible with some Christian friends who helped me. After nine months, I accepted Jesus as my Savior and Lord. As soon as I took water baptism, I had a burden and concern for my own people in Arakan. After attending mission training for two years, I started to share the good news to my people there. I started a house church by sharing about Jesus as a missionary. Many of our people heard about Jesus and have been converted within the last seven years.