Sponsors a Native Missionary to Reach the Unreached!

Sai Khun - 0 of 4 Shares Sponsored

Sai Khun

Biggest Need

Place Myanmar

Place of Service Myanmar

Married Yes

Spouse's Name Nang Than

Children Yes

Names Angel and Moses

Salvation Testimony I became a follower of Christ in my early 20’s. After I trusted in Jesus, my parents and my village kicked me out since I was no longer a Buddhist. I ended up attending a small bible school for three years. In my first year, I met Breck Merkle and I lived with him in Myanmar since I could not go back to my parents. He helped me to discover my calling to share the gospel to my people group called the Khamti.

Call to Ministry I have now been back in my village for 7 years. I lead an orphanage that Glory Project started in 2022 and launched a church to reach the young generation of the Khamti in October 2023. There are seven of us on the team who are sharing the gospel and asking God to grow His church for His glory and the salvation of the lost.

Ministry Vision For the Khamti Shan people in my area to be followers of Christ. I want to see God ignite a movement whereby my people confess their sins and turn to Christ for salvation. I am praying our new church will reach the next generation with the gospel of Christ and our orphanage will have an impact on many families.