Sponsors a Native Missionary to Reach the Unreached!

Rebekkah - 2 of 4 Shares Sponsored


Biggest Need

Married No

Children No

Salvation Testimony I grew up as a local missionary kid. Since my toddler years, every night my parents read different bible stories to me. When I was six years old, my biological father shared with me about the sinful nature of men and how all of us are in need of a Savior and I gave my life to Christ. I realized then that I needed to make a personal decision for Christ. I was not saved just because my parents were.

Call to Ministry Since I was a local missionary kid, I grew up being exposed to and being involved in different ministries with the Indigenous people groups from various tribes. Last 2021, in the midst of the pandemic, God initiated a retreat, redirection and reorientation in my life. I was on a 3-month advance operation training with a mission organization when I saw how lost the Muslims are and felt a burden to be a radical revivalist, and ambassador of Christ who will bring the good news among these unreached people groups that few ever go to.

Ministry Vision I didn’t know where to go first, but God gave me clarity about the place where I should serve. He directed me to serve among the Maguindanoan people group. They are the largest Muslim tribe who are still unreached here in the Southern part of the Philippines. After a few months of training, upon a visitation to a Maguindanaon village, I received a very clear affirmation from God that for now this is where I should be, bringing the light of hope, to be a catalyst of change among the Muslim villages, and make the gospel known to every person In every village.