Sponsors a Native Missionary to Reach the Unreached!

Probir Tripura - 0 of 4 Shares Sponsored

Probir Tripura

Biggest Need

Place Bangladesh

Age 24

Place of Service Bangladesh

Married Yes

Spouse's Name Mihla Marma

Children No

Salvation Testimony Though I was born in a Christian family but from my childhood due to studying outside my family I did many bad things by mixing with bad friends, drinking drugs and fighting etc. I did not believe that God exists, I always judged everything according to myself, I could not see success in any work, I always felt helpless and sad. People in the family were very sad to see my reckless life and when I went home on leave my father used to convince me and pray for me a lot. One day I joined the worship service at the local church with my father's encouragement and everyone was praying for me and I felt so ashamed and cried. Since then, I slowly tried to understand and know about God. After a few months I was saved. And then February 2017 I was baptized by a local pastor at 12 noon. Gradually I started to live the life of Christ with the guidance of my father and pastor. Even after living a life of faith in Christ, I had to face dangers and problems again and again because life is not easy. But I always trusted Christ in my heart. I surrendered everything over to him and prayed always. God faithfully gave me the courage to keep serving Him.

Call to Ministry The more I grew in my relationship with Christ, the more God’s love for mankind amazed me. One day, the verse "Isaiah 60:1-2," came before me and I felt a deep pain in my heart that even though I was born into a Christian family, I had denied the call to take the gospel to others. Now that I know this truth and I want to spread it to everyone as His light. So, I went to a Bible school to learn more about study God’s Word and learn how to more effectively serve Him.

Ministry Vision My vision is to share the gospel to the unreached for reaching them and planting church in various communities. My will is to let people know about the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ, and preach that the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins and rose again from the dead for us. Jesus is the only way for salvation. I hope people will understand God's great plan for all to be saved especially since His second coming is near.