Sponsors a Native Missionary to Reach the Unreached!

Poe Pyae Pyae Aung - 0 of 4 Shares Sponsored

Poe Pyae Pyae Aung

Biggest Need

Place Myanmar

Age 17

Place of Service Myanmar

Salvation Testimony My parents became Christians when I was in the 4th grade. But I did not live with them. When my mom called, she would say, "you need to call on Jesus." After school, I moved to Yangon and I stayed with my mom. She told me more about Jesus and I was saved. I then slowly learned how to submit my life to God. and grow in my relationship with Christ.

Call to Ministry In my teenage years I really only wanted to live for myself. I really wanted a phone when I was 15 and so I prayed for one. My mom knew this and see just kept saying, “daughter, serve the Lord as a full time minster. Don't worry about things." But I kept saying, "No." Because If I served the Lord as a full time worker. I would not get a lot of money. However, I saw how God was gracious and kept providing for me and the family. So I knew that God would take care of me in the future. I now want to become a missionary

Ministry Vision My vision is to serve the Lord in children's ministry. I will share the gospel to the children and their parents in the villages I visit. I will serve God faithfully all for the glory of God.