Sponsors a Native Missionary to Reach the Unreached!

Phorntana - 0 of 4 Shares Sponsored


Place Thailand

Place of Service Thailand / Myanmar Border

Married Yes

Children Yes

Salvation Testimony I used to believe in animism and magic. I thought that good spells, prayers, and blessings would give me good things. However, when I heard about Jesus I realized He was a living God. I could pray to Him and He would answer my prayers.

Call to Ministry I am now serving in Kor Po Tah village which is Karen Buddhist village. I first came to them selling goods on my motorbike. After visiting, I saw the children and families who need Jesus. All of them are Buddhist and following tradition ways of evil spirit worship. So, my family and I decided to move here a few years ago. We were the only Christians but now we have one home who has followed Jesus and asking for many more to do so.

Ministry Vision We share the gospel by doing Sunday School programs to the kids, pray at the village homes, and share during holidays. We are asking for God to plant the first church in this village within two years.