Sponsors a Native Missionary to Reach the Unreached!

Peter Sai - 0 of 4 Shares Sponsored

Peter Sai

Place Myanmar

Age 33

Place of Service Myanmar

Married Yes

Spouse's Name Esther

Children Yes

Names Abigail and Hannah

Salvation Testimony I accepted Jesus as my Savior on 2010 after studying about God and Jesus’s Salvation for a year. Before believing Jesus, I was a Buddhist and all of our Family members and relatives are Buddhists. I then met Breck at a bible training conference shortly after I was saved. He discipled me in Christ and we have been working together for over 15 years.

Call to Ministry After I was saved, I wanted to share about God’s love and His amazing salvation to anyone who had never heard about this. So, I attended many bible studies and trainings. Saya Breck then encouraged me to go to Bible School to receive further training. I attended there three years and since graduation I have been serving as a fulltime missionary with Breck and The Glory Project.

Ministry Vision I will serve as a missionary till the end of my life. I will go to many places in Myanmar and share the gospel with the unreached. I will work with many missionaries and will start many mission fields where the gospel hasn't been heard and where there are no believers. Furthermore, I will train many youth to be missionaries by opening mission schools. I will train new believers to be disciples who share the gospel in where they live and travel.