Sponsors a Native Missionary to Reach the Unreached!

Nay Linn Tun - 0 of 4 Shares Sponsored

Nay Linn Tun

Biggest Need

Place Myanmar

Age 23

Place of Service Myanmar

Salvation Testimony One of my friends told me about Jesus. After facing many problems, I decided to pray to the Lord for deliverance. But I did not know how. I asked my friend how to pray. He said I could simply pray like this to God... “I have a problem, Lord help me." I saw God do many things when I started to pray. I then attended church again and that is where I gave me life to Christ. I was baptized a few months later by a Glory Project missionary.

Call to Ministry After 3 months only in the Bible school, I have seen my life change in radical ways. I now have peace in my heart and am experiencing God's love and grace more.

Ministry Vision My vision is to preach the gospel to my parents. After this I want to submit my life to missions and be available to serve where He leads.