Sponsors a Native Missionary to Reach the Unreached!

Nant Win Pa Pa Aung - 0 of 4 Shares Sponsored

Nant Win Pa Pa Aung

Biggest Need

Place Myanmar

Age 18

Place of Service Myanmar

Salvation Testimony I always felt rejected growing up. I struggled with depression especially since I was working simply as a factory worker. One day, I felt very tired and sick and a friend of mine invited her pastor to come and pray for me. I then got better and in the future whenever I was sick, the pastor would pray for me and I would be healed. One day, one of my friends told me that she wanted to see me and will give me some money too. I had less than $1.00 dollar on me and I waited for her at the bus stop from 10 am to 5 pm in heavy rain. I needed lunch so I spent the $1.00 dollar for food. But since I had no more money, I had to walk back home. I started crying and then I remember the pastor told me to "pray to Jesus” when you are depressed. So I prayed simply, “Lord Jesus save me, I am afraid, soon it will be dark”. A taxi driver, whom I did not know, helped me and I got home safely. That night I thought in my mind that God really saved me and I believed in Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior.

Call to Ministry I did not have a job. I was looking when Pastor Peter Sai came to my home and shared the gospel to me and my family. He asked, "do you want to attend Bible School.” In my mind I only wanted to get money for my family, but in my heart I wanted to attend Bible school. I decided serving God in the ministry will have greater eternal results than any other job.

Ministry Vision I thirst for the Word when I attend the Bible school. I was so encouraged by all the teachers. I trust in the Holy Spirit, not in my understanding and I am becoming better at preparing how to preach. I am excited to share the gospel and bring the lost to Jesus. I pray for the lost souls more than before. God has spoked to me in dreams to go and share the gospel to the unreached. I will do this after my studies.