Sponsors a Native Missionary to Reach the Unreached!

Naing Ye Linn - 0 of 4 Shares Sponsored

Naing Ye Linn

Biggest Need

Place Myanmar

Age 15

Place of Service Myanmar

Married No

Salvation Testimony I grew up in a Christian family. But I lived my life as I wanted apart from God. My parents told me to go to church, so I did. But I only went to church to play and get snacks. I was not there to worship the Lord. Although my parents taught me God's Word and I heard the gospel preached, I never followed the Bible's teachings. When I was a teenager, I attended Thingyar Camp. There I heard the gospel clearly for the first time and God convicted me of my sin and past. I weeped over my sin and trusted in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.

Call to Ministry My parents said I should attend bible school, so I joined. I know know it was God's providence and grace that brought me here. I have learned many things from God's Word and especially how to grow in my relationship with Christ. I now feel closer to God than ever before.

Ministry Vision I will commit my life and share the gospel to unbelievers when I finish school. I will be involved in the music ministry. I am very happy to have the privilege to attend Bible School and can't wait to serve God in 9 months as a full-time missionary.