Sponsors a Native Missionary to Reach the Unreached!

Myo Tun - 0 of 4 Shares Sponsored

Myo Tun

Place Myanmar

Age 29

Place of Service Myanmar

Married Yes

Spouse's Name Thandar Soe

Children Yes

Names Jet Tun and Min Khant

Salvation Testimony I came to know Jesus after my brother invited me to live with Mr. Breck for several months. After I arrived, my brother and Breck shared with me many weeks about the Bible and who Jesus is. After answering all of my questions and studying the Bible on my own, I gave my life to Christ. Mr. Breck then baptized me at their water cistern in the backyard. Christ radically changed my life at that moment.

Call to Ministry After trying to find my way in the world, going to the big city to get a job, I found myself lost in sin. One day, my brother called me and said he continually prayed for me and was there for me. So, I decided to move back to my hometown. After living there a few months, God convicted me of my sin and I got right with God again. I then committed myself to full-time ministry in 2022. Since that time I have been sharing the gospel with my people.

Ministry Vision I am wanting to plant a new church in the biggest town in our area. Also I am sharing the gospel in villages prayerfully starting new groups as the Lord allows. Right now there are only a handful of believers. I believe a mighty move of God is on the way.