Sponsors a Native Missionary to Reach the Unreached!

Jose - 0 of 4 Shares Sponsored


Biggest Need

Place Myanmar

Place of Service Myanmar

Married Yes

Spouse's Name Riza

Children Yes

Names Red and Blue

Salvation Testimony Growing up in the church, I learned about the person of Jesus in Sunday school and through the sermons. I remember praying the sinner's prayer every now and then as child. But it was in the last week of November 1993 when I experienced God’s saving grace. I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior officially and followed Him with water baptism. From that day on, I committed myself to Him. The next day I shared my personal salvation story and gospel with a friend of mine. He was the first person I shared the gospel with. Since then, I have been active in the church and ministry.

Call to Ministry My wife and I felt God’s calling for full-time ministry last September 2022. We thought we would be in the Philippines, doing business and supporting a campus ministry. It changed during a meeting with Breck in Davao City last July 2022. Before we parted ways, he asked if we had plans to go back to Myanmar. We told him that we had no plans yet but if ever, we would go back to do full-time ministry. We’re not sure why we said that. He told us to pray about it. And we did. While praying, we felt that God was calling us but we were hesitant to go back to Myanmar, but we eventually surrendered to the call.

Ministry Vision We want to see God plant a church among the Rakhine people, starting first in the capital city of Thandwe. We also want to see God move through all of our missionaries throughout the country to reach the many unreached people groups like the Bhama, Shan, Mon, and Danu.