Sponsors a Native Missionary to Reach the Unreached!

Immanuel - 0 of 4 Shares Sponsored


Biggest Need

Age 30

Place of Service Indonesia

Married Yes

Spouse's Name Eunike

Children No

Salvation Testimony I come from a Christian family. But I only began to know Jesus personally and believed in Him when I went to seminary. While there, I learned that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone. So, I confessed my sin and asked Jesus to be my Lord and Savior. I publicly proclaimed my faith by being baptized in a river in a Kulisusu village.

Call to Ministry I started studying in 2013 at Living Word Theological Seminary in Central Java. In 2014, I attended a seminar about unreached people groups (UPGs) on campus. At that time my heart was touched by the mercy of the Lord Jesus when I read Matthew 9:36. In that seminar, I saw a video about many unreached people who died without hearing the Good News. God reminded me of Romans 10:12-15, so I decided to serve UPGs. Since that seminar, I have also attended several mission trainings to prepare for the mission field. In July 2016, I decided to do my internship serving UPGs in Southeast Sulawesi for 6 months. After this period ended in January 2017, I returned to campus to complete my studies. Feeling called to serve UPGs there, after I graduated, I decided to return to Southeast Sulawesi to serve until now.

Ministry Vision Facilitate movements of obedient disciples making obedient disciples. I want to see Biblical New Testament churches planting more churches. I want to see leaders reproducing leaders to reach the 10 largest UPGs in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia in order to see God glorified among all nations.