Sponsors a Native Missionary to Reach the Unreached!

Henry - 0 of 4 Shares Sponsored


Place India, Delhi

Age 37

Place of Service South Asia

Married No

Children No

Salvation Testimony I was raised in a Christian come and came to faith early in my childhood. Since then I have helped in my church and served where God led me. In highschool, I knew God was leading me to full-time ministry so I went to bible school in India to learn God's Word.

Call to Ministry In Bible School, God led back to Myanmar and I met Breck Merkle, president of The Glory Project. In country we worked together for 2 years reaching the Shan people group. I then went back to India to pursue more education. In 2019 I met Breck again and the Lord gave us a vision to start a training school for missionaries in India. We now have almost 50 students who are being equipped for the ministry.

Ministry Vision I desire for our students to lead godly lives in Christ Jesus with a focus on reaching the unreached with the gospel. All graduates we are working to equip with necessary skills and biblical theology to reach the next generations in India and Myanmar with the gospel. We are also working to create digital media in various languages.