Sponsors a Native Missionary to Reach the Unreached!

Chit Lay Khine - 0 of 4 Shares Sponsored

Chit Lay Khine

Biggest Need

Place Myanmar

Age 16

Place of Service Myanmar

Married No

Salvation Testimony I grew up in a Christian family as a nominal Christian. One day, my grandpa and grandma told me that I should consider being baptized. They asked me to see if this is something I wanted to do. So I began to search my heart and realized I needed to believe in Jesus for m salvation. It was in high school when I trusted in Jesus as my Lord and Savior.

Call to Ministry I visited a missionary named Hay Lay. While at his house he asked, “do you want to attend Bible school? I didn't reply to him at that moment. A few days later I met another missionary named Peter and he asked me to go to bible school. At that time, I said yes. Later I met Pastor Peter, he asked me the same question. I said “yes." I am thankful for the opportunity to study God's Word and serve in ministry. I now no longer want to pursue a secular job, but serve God as a missionary.

Ministry Vision I have bee, in Bible School for three months. During that time, I have I learned that God is a gracious God, and how to preach the Word effectively. My life is changing in many ways with a heart to reach the lost. When I finish school, I want to be involved in ministry with a focus on praise and worship.