Sponsors a Native Missionary to Reach the Unreached!

Ah Hwa - 0 of 4 Shares Sponsored

Ah Hwa

Biggest Need

Place Myanmar

Age 17

Place of Service Myanmar

Married No

Salvation Testimony I heard the gospel for the first time in my life when I was 13 years old. I did not believe and did not know Jesus. After a year, I came to the city of Yangon and I received Jesus as my Lord through my brother. He said to me, “Jesus died on the cross for you. All your sin was washed through His blood. Why don't you trust in Him for salvation?” I decided to believe in Jesus Christ and for the first time ever I experienced the love of God through His Son Jesus. When I believed in Jesus, I not only knew I was forgiven of my sins, but I felt that I was free. I no longer was under condemnation of sin. I then committed my life to serve the Lord.

Call to Ministry My pastor recommended that I come to Bible school and I believe God wants me here. I want to know more about the Bible and how to serve God effectively. I have right now a burden to share Jesus with my whole family as I commit to serving God among the unreached people of my country. I want to be an evangelist sharing with those who have never heard.

Ministry Vision I am thankful God has placed me in this school to serve as missionary of the gospel. I can't wait to finish in 9 months and serve God full-time.