Sponsors a Native Missionary to Reach the Unreached!

Acha - 0 of 4 Shares Sponsored


Biggest Need

Place Indonesia

Age 29

Place of Service Indonesia

Children No

Salvation Testimony I was born into a Christian family. When I was 5 years old, my mother, who was a born again believer, married her second husband who was a Muslim. Despite him prohibiting me to read the Bible, my mother continually encouraged me to attend Sunday school and go to church. When I received Jesus as my Lord and Savior, God gave me His promise in Isaiah 41:10 - "God has always and continues to hold me with His victorious right hand." Over the years, many people tried to convert me back to Islam, but I kept pursing the Lord in His Word. Now I want to share the gospel with Muslims who have never heard the gospel.

Call to Ministry I lived in a mixed Christian-Muslim environment, but walked closely with Jesus. Many saw my faith and so they began to invite me to talk to them about Jesus. God gave me many opportunities to share in the surrounding Muslim villages. In high school, I had three different dreams involving my Muslim neighbors and friends screaming for help and dying in different end time calamities with me standing there with the Bible. I knew then God wanted me to share the gospel with them. In college I got involved in a campus ministry and began leading the evangelism and outreach. God confirmed His call for me to be a missionary during that time.

Ministry Vision I will use my Linguistics education for access to meet people, build relationships, and translate the Bible into the Kulisusu language. In so doing I will share the truth of Scripture thereby facilitating a Disciple-Making Movement among the Kulisusu unreached people group in Southeast Sulawesi.